Child Safety

At St Lawrence Primary School we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school.

Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel

(CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety).


Day for Daniel is a National Day of Action hosted by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation (DMF) to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm prevention. Held on the last Friday of October each year, it is about educating children and adults about keeping kids safe through child safety and protection initiatives. At St Lawrence, we feel it is essential to educate children about their personal safety in the physical and online environments which drives our participation in the Day for Daniel awareness day each year. Students engage in learning through activities and Personal Safety talks, equipping them with the knowledge and skills of personal safety, vital for their everyday lives.


St Lawrence school has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for 2018–2020 for its use of Apple technology to enhance its learner-centered approach to pedagogy. This means that children use apple devices such as iPads as a learning tool to support them in the classroom and at home. This is the driving force for our Cyber Safety Program. We feel it is important that children are equipped with the skills to keep themselves safe online. Children are taught about CyberSafety through presentations at the beginning of each year, with a focus of Keeping yourself safe online. They learn preventative strategies for keeping themselves safe as well as discovering what do to if they feel unsafe online. Our Cyber Safety learning is also supported by our 1:1 device user agreement to ensure all of our children are safe and well equipped to used technology online.


At St Lawrence school we participate in The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA), in March each year. The NDA is a catalyst for Australian schools to take a stand together against bullying.  At St Lawrence, we are guided by our Catholic faith to caring for one another, especially the vulnerable and drives our participation in the NDA each year. Students engage in learning through activities and a whole school pledge, equipping them with the knowledge and skills of caring for one another and stopping bullying behaviour.

The day brings together more than 60% of schools nationwide, involving more than two million students in finding workable solutions to address bullying and violence. Our participation in the NDA is an opportunity for our whole school community together to send a powerful message that bullying and violence are not okay and to promote our school’s bullying prevention strategies.